Literatur und Studien

Unter AIK – Apparative Intermittierende Kompression oder IPK – Intermittierende Pneumatische Kompression ist die apparative Entstauungsbehandlung zu verstehen, die seit Jahrzehnten weltweit eingesetzt wird.

In der Heimtherapie ermöglichen diese Geräte den Ödempatienten eine regelmäßige und problemlose Entstauung. 

Aus Klinik und Praxis liegen zahlreiche Studien und Verlaufsbeobachtungen vor, die die Erfolge dieser Therapieform dokumentieren.

Literatur zu Lympha Press Geräten:

Partsch et al.
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Wirkung einer Druckwellenmassage (Lympha-Press) beim Lymphödem. Phlebologie und Proktologie, 2/1980, May 1980.

A. Zelikovski et al.
Lympha-Press – a new pneumatic device for the treatment of lymphedema of the limbs. Lymphology, 2/1980, June 1980.

A. Zelikovski et al.
Lympha-Press – a new pneumatic device for the treatment of lymphedema: clinical trial and results. Folia Angiologica, No. 456, September 1980.

A. Zelikovski et al.
Non-operative therapy combined with limited surgery in management of peripheral lymphedema. Lymphology 19 (1986) 106-108

Christos J. Pappas, Thomas F. O´donnel jr.
Long term results of compression treatment for lymphedema. Journal of vascular surgery, Vol. 16, No. 4, October 1992.

Aileen Mc Leod et al.
A clinical report on the use of three external pneumatic compression devices in the management of lymphedema in a paediatric population. Physiotherapy Canada, July 1991, Vol. 43, No. 3.

Aileen Mc Leod
Clinical report, Home therapy for lymphedema, Hospital for sick children,Toronto, Home Health Care 1989.

Avigdor Zelikovski, M.D., Alexander Deutsch, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., Raphael Reiss, M.D.
A sequential pneumatic compression device in surgery for lymphedema in the limbs. The journal of cardiovascular surgery, Vol. 24, No. 2 pp. 122-126 (March-April 1983)

Avigdor Zelikovski, M.D. Gidon Zucker, M.D., Avonoam Eliashiv, M.D., Raphael Reiss, M.D. and Mordechai Shalit, M.D.
A new sequential pneumatic device for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis. Journal of Neurosurgery Vol. 54, No. 5, May 1981

A. Zelikovski, M.D., I. Melamed, I. Kott, M. Manoach and I. Urca.
The Lympha-Press, a new pneumatic device for the treatment of lymphedema: Clinical trail and Results. Department of surgery “B”, Beilinson Medical Center and the Bio-Engineering Institute, Beilinson Medical Center, Tel-Aviv University, Sackler School of Medicine, Israel.

David M. Richmand, M.D., Thomas F. O´Donnel Jr., M.D. Avigdor Zelikovski, M.D.
Sequential Pneumatic Compression for Lymphedema. A. Controlled Trial. Arch Surg-Vol. 120, October 1985.

A. Zelikovski, M.D., M. Haddad, M.D., and R. Reiss, M.D.
The Lympha-Press intermittent sequential pneumatic device for the treatment of lymphedema: five years of clinical experience. The journal of cariovascular Surgery, Vol. 27, No. 3,pp. 288-290 (May-June 1986)

J. Gruffaz
One year´s experience of treatment of lymphedema of the limbs with the lympha-press. Phlébologie, No. 4, October/December 1981, 585 to 593.

Literatur zu Phlebo Press DVT:

 Heit JA, Melton LJ 3rd, Lohse CM, Petterson TM Silverstein MD, Mohr DN, O´Fallon WM.
Incidence of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients vs. Community residents. Mayo Clin Proc 2001 Nov 76 (11):1102-10

Prevention of Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.
NIH Consens Statement 1986 Mar 24-26;6(2):1-8

Zelikovski A, Ben-Tov I, Koren A, Stelman E, Haddad M.
Venous hemodynamic alteration induced ba the Venopress (a new intermittent compression pneumatic device for prevention of deep vein thrombosis). Phlebology 1995 Suppl. (1):701-703.

Hirsh J, Hoak J.
Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism. AHA Medical/Scientific Statement, Circulation 1996 (93):2212-45


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